Steep Falls Building Supply
Steep Falls Building Supply
Organic Crab Shell Fertilizer, 2-3-0 Formula, 4 Lbs.
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Organic Crab Shell Fertilizer, 2-3-0 Formula, 4 Lbs.

SKU #231250 Model #CS604

UPC #081435506046

Neptune's Harvest

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Steep Falls Building Supply , 190 Ossipee Trail West , Standish , ME
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Neptune's harvest, 4 lb, 2-3-0, organic crab shell, n excellent dry organic source of nutrients, including calcium 23% & magnesium 1.33%, retains moisture in the soil & builds the organic matter & gives the roots something to grab onto & wrap around, for a food source, creating a deeper root system, high in chitin, kite-en, which promotes the growth of chitin eating bacteria in the soil, will help eliminate ants, grubs, fungus & root nematodes & will keep slugs & snails off, helps choke out weeds & keep moles, voles, mice, etc, from digging up bulbs & root vegetables, bag.